Become a Shareholder and start living the Dream
For as little as $100,000 you can become a Shareholder Member of our exclusive Vacation Club Real Estate Division and enjoy all the privlidges of ownership at several estate and vacation properties located in North Carolina, Florida, The Bahamas, The Dominican Republic, and elsewhere.
As a Shareholder Member you have access to your choice of multi-million dollar vacation homes anytime you desire and you enjoy all the benefits of ownership for a fraction of the cost of traditional whole ownership. Why have just one million dollar vacation home when you can enjoy more than a dozen? Why pay over a Million Dollars when you can have ownership rights for as little as $100,000? Way pay annual upkeep and related costs when you don't have too?
For more information on how you can upgrade your Lifestyle to that of a Schareholder Member contact or call Richard J. Schecher, Sr at (888) 453-5666.
Minimum Shareholder Class E $100,000
Shareholder Class A is a little over $1.1 Million.
Never pay rent on a vacation home again and never worry about paying a mortgage or the annual cost of upkeep associated with owning your own vacation home. Before you purchase a vacation or second home, discover what our Shareholder Status can mean for you.
Unlimitted Use: Vacation on Bald Head Island in the Summers or spend your summer vacation in the mountains of North Carolina. In the winter head south to Florida or the Bahamas and you will always have the option to enjoy your Caribbean Dream at Villa Lazy Heart , Villa Cabofino, or any one of our luxury vacation villas on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic.
You won't believe the benefits of becoming a Shareholder and you will never know what you are missing unless you give us a call.
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CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Shareholders can golf, dine, or swim at the best private clubs located on Bald Head Island. As a Shareholder you will enjoy social & guest membershp privlidges at the Bald Head Island Golf Cub and the Shoals Club while visiting your new vacation home on Bald Head Island, NC.
After all, one of the best places to hold a wedding is at the exclusive Shoals Club on Bald Head Island and as a Shareholder you can schedule and book a wedding or just about any event you wish at the exclusive Shoals Club.
Shareholder Retirement Opportunity: In addition our Shareholders earn a much higher than average but moderate and consistent 8% return on their investment funds placed on deposit with the Schecher Group Financial Division. For more information on how you can put your retirement funds to work and start earning an immediate monthly income contact